Sunglasses in West Calgary

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Protect Your Vision on the Go & In the Great Outdoors

We all love taking in that summer sunshine. While boating or kayaking, scrambling up a rock face in the mountains, or strolling by the Bow River, a little sun can brighten your day.

But despite all the great things to be done under the sun, its rays can adversely affect your eyes year-round. UV damage can be dangerous to your eyes and your vision. UV rays have been linked to early cataract development, eyelid skin cancer, and corneal sunburn.

You don’t have to halt your outdoor adventures! Explore all the great-looking and functional sunglasses we offer at Trinity Hills Eyecare.

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Maui Jim

Maui Jim is the fastest growing maker of premium polarized sunglasses, prescription sunglasses, and ophthalmic frames in the world! It all began in Lahaina, Hawaii, with a need for sunglasses that could eliminate the harsh Hawaiian glare without distorting the colors of the island scenery. Today, Maui Jim also produces stunning, high-quality ophthalmic frames.

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Oakley invents each new product with a design philosophy called sculptural physics: the discipline of solving problems with science and wrapping them in art. Supported by an infrastructure that includes the latest tools of technology, Oakley engineers and artisans continue to expand the company’s array of product categories.

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Ray-Ban has always been durable, comfortable, and attractive from the vintage classics to the present-day trendy frames. From celebrities to your friends, Ray-Ban is always a favorite.

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Tiffany Eyewear offers an elegant outlook on style with impeccable craftsmanship and unexpected details. Their iconic jewelry collections inspire many of these exclusive designs.

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