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What Do Blue Light Glasses Do?

Person sitting in front of a TV

At Trinity Hills Eyecare, we know that whether for work, entertainment, or communication, people spend hours staring at computers, smartphones, and tablets. This increased reliance on digital devices has amplified exposure to blue light, sparking questions about its potential effects on health. One solution that has gained popularity is blue light glasses. This article explores […]

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MiSight or Ortho-K Lenses: Which Is Right for Your Child?

a parent holding their child's corrective lens to treat their child's myopia.

When it comes to managing your child’s myopia (nearsightedness), innovative options like MiSight and Ortho-K lenses are leading the way. These specialty lenses go beyond traditional glasses or contact lenses; they actively work to slow the progression of myopia, providing both immediate and long-term benefits.  But how do you know which one is best for […]

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Are Glaucoma and Macular Degeneration the Same?

an older man is getting screened by an eyecare professional on eye diseases such as macular degeneration and glaucoma.

Eye health is a crucial concern for many, especially as we age. Two common eye diseases that often cause confusion are glaucoma and macular degeneration. Despite both leading to vision loss, they are distinct in their causes, symptoms, and treatments. Understanding these differences is vital for eye care professionals, seniors, and health enthusiasts looking to […]

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How Does Screen Time Affect Your Kid’s Eyes?

A young girl sitting on the couch doing schoolwork on a laptop.

In today’s digital age, the prevalence of screens in our daily lives, particularly among children, has sparked growing concerns about their impact on eye health. With the widespread use of smartphones, tablets, and computers, parents and optometrists are increasingly worried about the potential harm to young, developing eyes. Some common side effects of excessive screen […]

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